Tools for Sickle Cell Disease Research

From HbS flow cytometry antibodies, coagulation kits and biomarker assays to exciting new instrumentation for clotting analysis, DiaPharma has what matters covered for impactful Sickle Cell Research.

Anti-Hemoglobin antibodies from DiaPharma for flow cytometry applications

ItemCloneDescriptionProduct Code
Anti-HbS FITC57-8Anti-Hemoglobin S antibody conjugated with fluorochrome FITCIQP-574F
Anti-HbF1 Dy-410WBAC HbF1Anti-Hemoglobin F antibody conjugated with fluorochrome Dy-410IQP-567D
Anti-HbF1 FITCWBAC HbF1Anti-Hemoglobin F antibody conjugated with fluorochrome FITCIQP-567F
Anti-HbF1 R-PEWBAC HbF1Anti-Hemoglobin F antibody conjugated with fluorochrome R-PEIQP-567R
Anti-panHb APCPHB1Anti-pan Hemoglobin antibody conjugated with fluorochrome APCIAP-585A
Regulatory Status: Analyte Specific Reagent (ASR). Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.

Coagulation Markers in Research

It is suggested that aberrant coagulation and platelet overactivation contribute to the pathogenesis of SCD. Further research and clinical trials are needed to explore the mechanisms driving abnormal coagulation in SCD and to identify effective therapies to treat it. DiaPharma offers a range of assays to further SCD research:

Coagulation FactorsComponentsFunctionBiomarkers and Methods of EvaluationActivity in Sickle Cell Disease
Extrinsic PathwayTissue factor (TF) FVIIPrimary pathway to initiate coagulation following vascular endothelial injuryProthrombin time (PT)Increased TF expression
Intrinsic PathwayPrekallikrein HMWK, FXII, FXIActivated by exposed collagen in the subendothelium and functions to initiate clot formationActivated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)Decreased Prekallikrein, FXII, and HMWK plasma levels
Increased levels of procoagulant microparticles
Common PathwayFV, FVIII, FIX, FX thrombin
Catalysts in the final steps of coagulation to cleave fibrinogen and form blood clotsThrombin Generation Assays (TGA), TAT, PAP, F1.2, D-dimers, fibrinogenIncreased thrombin levels
FibrinolysisPlasminEnzymatic degradation of fibrin in blood clotsuPA, tPA, PAI-1, D-dimersIncreased fibrinolytic activity
Platelet ActivationCollagen
Fibrinogen, vWF
Platelets activate and aggregate to form a platelet plugvWF, ADAMTS-13, Platelet Function TestsIncreased platelet numbers, platelet activation, and platelet aggregation
Complement SystemC3a
Activated by the coagulation system and contributes to thrombus formationC3a and C5aIncreased C3a and C5a expression
Anticoagulation ProteinsProtein C
Protein S
Negative feedback to regulate coagulation and inflammationProtein C
Protein S
Decreased Protein C and Protein S levels

Automated Measurement of Primary and Secondary Hemostasis Markers

Fully Automated Coagulation AnalyzerPrimary Hemostasis and Platelet Function Testing
InstrumentCeveron® 100 SeriesT-TAS® 01Atlas PST
Ceveron® series and Atlas® PST are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.