About DiaPharma

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Mission Statement

DiaPharma provides strong personal support, technical competence and experience to ensure customer expectations will be met or exceeded. Our strength is grounded in both science and staff. For more than 25 years, DiaPharma has been proud to give each of our customers a truly personalized experience — a focused, dedicated resource that understands our customers’ needs and has the scientific expertise to help customers make the best product choices. We deliver solutions.

Our Vision

Our vision is for DiaPharma to be the recognized source for hemostasis/special coagulation, cell death, and toxicology needs. We strive to dominate our markets by expanding our portfolio to ensure strength and stability.

How to pronounce DiaPharma


Team photo next to diapharma booth at a convention

Our History

The DiaPharma Group, Inc. formed on January 1, 1997 from Pharmacia Hepar, Inc. in Franklin, Ohio, and began as the exclusive US and Canadian distributor of the Chromogenix substrates and assays.

Over a quarter-century ago, Chromogenix developed the first chromogenic substrate technology under the former name, Kabi Diagnostica. Kabi later merged with Pharmacia. Some of DiaPharma’s current staff worked inside the Chromogenix department within Pharmacia’s heparin manufacturing plant.

In 1998, DiaPharma moved to West Chester, Ohio, where it remains today. Over the years, DiaPharma expanded its product line to include a variety of hemostasis, cell death, platelet function, ecotoxicology, assays, reagents, antibodies and instruments from superior manufacturers.

Headshot of a woman with long brunette hair, wearing a white top and blue blazer

“Over 25 years of hemostasis products, expertise and support is just a click away.”

CEO Madeleine Burmester